Tuesday, January 27, 2009

super paola

I have found my cape, and put it back on... It wasn't as dusty as most of the things that have been sitting in the closet... I guess because it really hasn't been in there that long...

I didn't take off my cape when I became a grown up...as a matter of fact, I wore it with pride...

It's funny because it's true; people really do laugh at things they don't understand... I have a friend that, to this day, teases me and calls me "super woman"...

But last year, I took my cape off...but I didn't throw it in the closet...I actually hung it up nicely in my mind... It was a sad day... I took it off because someone told me that you can't keep trying to help people...that when you pull them out of a hole, the dig themselves into another one...I felt like my bubble had been bursted...

And then I learned that I can still be the heroine I always wanted to be...that if we have the courage to be different, then we can have the power to change the world, one person at a time... So I have put my cape back on...but instead of wearing it with pride, I am wearing it with humility... I am here to serve...I will continue to plant seeds and be careful not to over-water...instead, I will sow with love and later reap the harvest of a changed world...

I am not afraid of ridicule, nor will I let the ignorance or doubt of others stop me...I will embrace obstacles and allow them to strengthen me and fortify my faith...

I am not Super Woman... but I can be a super woman...and I won't let anyone steal my dreams...I have a purpose...and I won't stop trying till I die...

Up, up, and away!!!!



  1. you are a good writer. I like what you wrote "later i can reap the harvest of a changed world" i like that statement. great post!

  2. And when the obstacles seem to big to embrace, remember that we have a Super God that's powerful enough to get them out of the way.
