Tuesday, April 21, 2009

can't we all just get along?

sometimes i wish we were all on the same wavelength... we all could look each other in the eye... smile... and know that what we feel is a brotherly love... an unconditional love...

we would all know one absolute truth... and instead of fighting over who is right, we'd be loving each other and expanding... we would experience glory after glory... because that is God's will...

there would be little need for conversation... because we would all just understand...

imagine what we could do... we could end hunger... we would end war...

is it naive to DREAM BIG?


  1. a wise man once helped me "REMEMBER" the Viscera Pisces...

  2. haha, Vesica Pisces!! Paola- if it was naive to dream big, would you stop doing it?
