So here I am... in a busy terminal... waiting to board... without a book to read, without my iPad, without a phone!!
(long story)
This puts me in an interesting position. I have been talking about reviving my blog. I have blank note pages in my planner, and I just bought an I love NY pen for less than 10 dollars. I'm set!
So here I go... ... ...
I tend to write spiritually and philosophically, so I will remain true to my instincts, true to my self... my inner, truer self.
I love this pen!
I know that came from out of no where, but I really do love it. It is making me enjoy the act of writing. Even my handwriting looks good!
I think my point is that I feel like I am in the right place, at the right time (and the "write time").
[insert chuckle] hff hff
i feel as if I am about to embark on the most important journey in my life... I want to experience every moment of this journey, and I don't want to miss a thing... (aerosmith song came to mind)
I don't want to take this journey alone... I want to invite you to come along... I know I seem a little goofy in my blogs sometimes, but hey, I'm easily amused and I crack myself up! (had to say it, it's been a while)
I have started a path that involves healing myself, becoming totally present and conscious of the now, and manifesting the life that I dream of...
I will share on this blog all of the things that help me on my path somehow, and all of the things that I learn from those around me that are wiser ...
I am very excited about this! I hope you keep reading and come along for the ride. Maybe you will be inspired to go after your dreams and do what makes you happy.
Much love.