it's time.
this time, it's time to do it better...
it's time... to be expressive and creative...
this time, no walls... no holding back...
it's time. right here, right now.
time to be me.
life really is a balancing act.... but to stay on the line... all you have to do is be here and now... and use your happiness as a gauge... if you are unhappy, you have fallen off the right path... because happiness is a product of the right path... it is always born of being in the right place at the right time... here and now.
i am happiest when i am free to express who i am... when my smile stretches from ear to ear... when my body feels light and free of tension... when there is no fear, only an immense love for all existence... when my mouth speaks words of wisdom that fall upon open ears and seeking souls... i love it... because it's like surrendering... and allowing God to take over... that little piece of God that lives inside my soul... that little light of mine.... i'm gonna let it shine... :)