times they are a changin'!
i am so excited about all the new changes in my life! new career... pretty soon a new home... new places to visit in the near future... oh and of course... new shoes :)
everything is changing... people always say that nothing ever stays the same... that may be true... which in a way is a little sad to me... because even though i embrace change... at times i feel a sense of nostalgia for how things were before... at times i have wondered why nothing lasts forever...
but that's not exactly true... there is one thing that lasts forever... and that is God... and one thing that never changes... His love for me... and as long as that's true... nothing else really matters...
i know that i have a purpose... and as long as i always see the light... and stay focused... things around me will always change... even i myself may change.... but i will always get to where i'm going...
everything happens for a reason... God does not make mistakes... even misfortunes can be blessings in disguise... change does not have to hurt... it does not even have to be understood... i just have to know that God has a plan...
i didn't see my life being anything like what it is now a year ago... heck, not even six months ago... and even though i felt torn at times trying to make some decisions, i feel as everything has happened perfectly... and i thank God for that...